Direct Response Missed Call
This service covers advertising and direct response management. We include
Short code set up using third parties
1800 Toll Free Line Set up
Call handling
Outbound call for closure
Some of the key areas include
Contests and Promotion
Enrollment in programs
Inbound lead generation
Inbound research
Ecommerce sales on phone
Consumers have very little time. Thanks to Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and other pioneers of modern world technology, we have a lot of content to digest. As a brand that advertises in newspapers, magazines and television, you are really competing with many content sources. So how about creating a direct response mechanism on your advertisements?
Direct response is least effective when you try and take consumers form offline to online Very often we see an ad in the newspaper that gives us an email address or website to visit and we just move over to the next page. No wonder print and TV ads are used more for brand building and less for driving website traffic – for that there are google, Facebook and more cost-effective ways to reach consumers using digital medium.
So how does a marketer get consumers to see a print or TV ad and then contact the company and generate an enquiry or an order?
Using Direct Response Call to Action is a very good way to get consumers to generate enquiries or place orders. It’s easy to pick up the phone and call or send an sms.
There are several ways to take in responses
Live Call Centre – have a trained live customer service or sales rep take the calls
IVR and Voice Mail Service – get consumers to leave a message which is transcribed and then compiled for the brand to take action
Missed Call Service is one where the consumer calls a number and the call is disconnected on receipt, while the number is taken into the direct response system
What is the most cost effective method for direct response?
One cost effective and manageable method is the missed call service. And why do we call it ‘Manageable’? Because you don’t need a room full of call centre executives to take in campaign responses that may be at a peak for 2-3 hours maximum. For one, it will be expensive. Then there is the training cost to train so many executives on a campaign. And lastly there is a capacity issue. No matter how well you plan for direct response, chances are that you may have a large number of abandoned calls or customers who have to wait for a long time. And a Missed Call Campaign overcomes all these issues.
So, how does it work?
A brand engages Kankei to create a Missed Call based Direct Response Campaign.
Kankei sets up a help line number that will be published on the advertisement.
Consumers call and give a missed call on the number. It does not cost them anything and it is also very easy to do as all consumers now have phones handy.
Once the calls are received, the Kankei Outbound Direct Response Campaign Management Executive calls the consumer and conducts the business activity.
Some of the areas that a brand can use such a service are
Product Sampling Requests from Consumers
Generating interest in consumers to get a Test Drive
Getting consumers to ask for a sales visit by the sales representative
Interest generation in new projects like real estate
Consumer research and feedback on products or advertising (can be used for advertising testing)
And several other options where the brand wants to get consumers to opt in to being called back
How do you get started?
Contact us
Kankei is an experienced customer engagement services company covering consumer and trade programs for several large multinational and domestic brands. Established in 1998, Kankei works with its clients as a partner who seeks to provide a solution towards the end result.
To know more please write to info@kankei.com or whatsapp +91 9324747575 or click here